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Published on 1 February 2025 at 12:12

Crisis: The Unknown Future 


Crisis: The Unknown Future

As we look around the world today, it’s easy to feel a sense of uncertainty about the future. Crisis seems to be a constant theme in the news, in our communities, and even in our own lives. From natural disasters to political instability, it’s clear that we’re facing some very challenging times. But as believers—those of us who study the Word, pray, and listen to the Holy Spirit—the future is not entirely unknown.

The Bible, in its timeless wisdom, has already mapped out many of the events we are witnessing today. Jesus himself spoke of signs and warnings, giving us a roadmap to navigate these turbulent times. While we don’t know the exact details of how things will unfold, Jesus made it clear that the signs would be visible, that they would help us recognize the times we are living in.

In Matthew 24:3-14, Jesus talks to His disciples about the signs of His return, saying:

“Watch out that no one deceives you. For many will come in my name, claiming, ‘I am the Messiah,’ and will deceive many. You will hear of wars and rumors of wars, but see to it that you are not alarmed. Such things must happen, but the end is still to come. Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be famines and earthquakes in various places. All these are the beginning of birth pains.”

These words, spoken by Jesus centuries ago, describe much of what we are witnessing today. Wars, conflicts, natural disasters, and even global economic shifts—these are all signs that we are living in the days leading up to Christ’s return. The Bible tells us that these things must happen, and yet, as believers, we can rest assured that the Lord is in control. His Word provides us with comfort and guidance in the face of uncertainty.

In addition to these signs, many of us are feeling the promptings of the Holy Spirit in our hearts—urging us to prepare. People are being led to store up food, water, and supplies for what might come. It’s a practical response to the prophetic stirring happening within the body of Christ. Whether it’s preparing for natural disasters, economic disruptions, or other global crises, it’s wise to listen to the Holy Spirit and be diligent in our preparations.

We’re also hearing discussions about the grid—warnings from leaders about the potential for power outages and disruptions in our infrastructure. In these times, protecting ourselves and our loved ones is essential. As believers, it’s important to pray for God’s protection and wisdom in every decision we make.

While the world may seem chaotic and unpredictable, we can find peace in knowing that the Bible has already outlined what we can expect. We are not left in the dark. As believers who are studying the Word and walking in obedience to the Holy Spirit, we have the insight to understand the times and prepare accordingly.

In this crisis, let us not be consumed by fear or uncertainty, but let us stand firm in our faith. Let us be prepared, not just physically, but spiritually, knowing that our hope lies in Christ alone. As we continue to seek His guidance, we can trust that He will lead us through these times, providing for us, protecting us, and fulfilling His promises.

This blog post addresses the current crisis and the preparedness that is being stirred in the hearts of believers, using the Scriptures to encourage faith and preparedness. Let me know if you’d like to add or adjust anything!

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