A Prophetic Dream: A Glimpse into the Future

A Prophetic Dream: A Glimpse into the Future
In 2024, I had a dream that felt so real, so vivid, that when I woke up, I couldn’t shake the feeling that God was revealing something important to me. I believe this dream was not just for me but for others—to warn, prepare, and encourage those who have ears to hear.
The Dream Begins: A Journey with the Church
I found myself on a church van, traveling with some people from my mom’s church. I don’t know where we were going, but we were outside the city, heading toward what looked like the countryside. The atmosphere felt peaceful, almost as if we were on our way to do ministry.
We made a stop at a small convenience store to grab some snacks. As we walked in, I noticed that I was holding the hand of a little boy—a beautiful child with big, bright eyes who was calling me “Mama.” This stood out to me because I don’t have biological children, yet in the dream, this child was mine. He looked up at me and asked if he could get some snacks, and of course, I said yes.
As we walked to the checkout counter, something strange happened.
A New System of Control
There were two cashiers at the counter—a man and a woman. The woman had her back turned, stocking shelves, but the man looked right at me and said:
“Can I check your right hand or your forehead?”
I was confused for a moment, but then I realized—he had a scanner in his hand.
I responded firmly, “I have cash. I don’t need you to scan me. I’m paying with cash.”
The man looked at me as if he didn’t understand why I would refuse. I insisted, and after a brief moment, he took the cash and let me pay. But before I walked away, he gave me a warning:
“Next time, you won’t be able to buy without it.”
I felt a chill run through my body. I turned and looked at the other church members, and we were all in shock. No one said a word, but we all knew: something was terribly wrong.
As we walked out of the store, we didn’t even have to say it—we all knew what had just happened. This wasn’t just a policy change. This was something bigger.
The Biblical Connection: The Mark of the Beast
When I woke up, I immediately thought of Revelation 13:16-17, which speaks of a time when people will not be able to buy or sell unless they receive a mark on their right hand or forehead—a system of control that the Antichrist will introduce.
“And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.”
(Revelation 13:16-17, KJV)
In my dream, the cashier’s demand to scan my hand or forehead directly lined up with this prophecy. The fact that I could still use cash—for now—meant that the system wasn’t fully in place yet, but it was coming.
The two cashiers in the dream also stood out to me:
• The man at the register was fully aware of what he was doing—he was enforcing the system.
• The woman stocking shelves had her back turned—unaware or indifferent to what was happening.
Doesn’t this reflect the world today? Some people are actively pushing a godless system, while others are too distracted to realize what’s happening.
A Warning and a Call to Prepare
This dream was a wake-up call. I believe God is showing us what’s coming. There will be a time when Christians will have to take a stand—to either comply with the system or trust God to provide another way.
The time is near. We can already see the foundation being laid with digital currency, artificial intelligence, and growing government control. Soon, choices will have to be made.
But here’s the good news:
• God is in control. He has already warned His people in His Word.
• We do not have to fear. Jesus told us these things so we can be prepared, not afraid (John 16:33).
• Now is the time to strengthen our faith. Those who are deeply rooted in Christ will not be shaken when these things come to pass.
Final Thoughts: What Should We Do?
• Pray for discernment. Ask God to give you wisdom to see through deception.
• Stay in the Word. The Bible already tells us what’s coming—don’t be caught off guard.
• Encourage others. Share the truth, and help those who might be spiritually asleep.
• Trust in God’s provision. When the world says we must depend on the system, we will depend on God.
I don’t believe this dream was just for me. If you’re reading this, maybe God wants you to know:
The time is short. Get ready.
Have You Had a Similar Dream?
I’d love to hear your thoughts. Have you had a dream or experience that relates to this? Let’s talk in the comments. Let’s stay awake and encourage one another as we see the day approaching (Hebrews 10:25).
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